

Total Programs :- 10

Basic Stack Operations

•Create a stack
•Check if its empty
•Push some items
•Pop some items
•Print the stack

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Representation of a Stack using Static Array

•Using maxsize from sys module
•Create stack with array
•Check stack is empty
•Push and Pop some items
•Print the stack

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Representation of a Stack using Dynamic Array

•Create nodes of linked list
•Check if its empty
•Add items
•Remove items
•Display the stack

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Two stacks in an array

•Create two stacks
•Push separately
•Don't forget, size of array has a limit
•Pop separately from stacks
•Print the stack

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Multiple stack implementation using single array

•Create required No. of Stacks
•Check for empty stacks
•Push and pop acordingly
•Print the stack

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Reverse a linked list using Stack

•Create a Linked List
•Push some items
•Create reverse function setup
•Print the reverse stack

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Factorial Calculation using stack

•Create a stack
•Check empty stack
•Add some items
•Remove some items
•Print Factorial of stack

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Infix to Postfix

•Remember the Algorithm
•Take input for Infix
•Give output as Postfix

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Postfix to Infix

•Algorithm is followed
•Take input for Postfix
•Give output as Infix

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Towers of Hanoi

•A mathematical puzzle
•Follow simple rules
•Accomplish the task

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Time to Connect

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Arpit Somani