
The Special Project

Well, The Special Project is the one you are looking at.
Ofcourse, this website.
How can i forget to talk about it ?

So, I started this website as a project under web-dev.
Lets talk about some features and skills behind it:

=> The website is developed by GatsbyJS.
=> You can easily feel the dynamic nature of this website.
=> Query done through 'GraphQL'.
=> This website is SEO Optimised.
=> Amazing background interaction using ParticleJS.
=> I have also used twitter cards.
=> And a lot of cool plugins are involved...
=> Then finally... Deployed on super-easy Netlify.

Required skills: JavaScript, CSS, GatsbyJS, GraphQL, TwitterCards, Helmet, SEO, ParticleJS, Netlify,
(and some other plugins as per required.)

As, this is the only aim, why I explore web-dev, so I am not looking to gain and add any extra skill further, for now...
As, you all know... there is always way more than you think ...

But what about my existing skills of web-dev...
Well I have always a plan for my things...

As a beginner, I have a damm lot of future ideas with this website.
Let me mention some...

=> The Quote box, on my About page,
I want to upgrade this box, with an amazing feature.
I want to add my own voice for each quote, it would be an excellent interaction with you all.
As a human voice gives the actual senses behind the words...
Still, it can be time consuming, but amazing too...

=> On my project page, as my number of projects get increase, I need to do some indexing,
and moreover it would be great with a bookmark feature with collapsing and categorised arrangement.

=> The top title (text) on each page, I want to change the text with a stylish and dashing look using particleJs.

=> For the backend API, I want to use a headless CMS - 'Contentful' or 'Strapi' for my website.
I am almost done with it, I will configure them very soon.

=> As, you can see I have used 'Dark Mode' for my website. Well yes, I am a programmer, but moreover I like it.
So I want to add a switching button between dark mode and light mode.
(It's also a very fast growing feature in websites and apps, if you noticed).

And so on...

So like these cool ideas... I have nearly 1-2 dozens of ideas with this website...
And with each passing time the ideas are increasing...

Well, for now I have no clue, about how I am going to complete many of my ideas.
But "Finding A Way" is what makes a human life intresting.

So, these future upgrade ideas will help me keep my skills fresh and sharp over a long period of time.
That's what is needed now days...

Time to Connect

copyright ©2021

Arpit Somani