

Total Programs :- 5

Bubble Sort

•Simple sorting algorithm
•Compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they are in the wrong order

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Insertion Sort

•Array is split into sorted and an unsorted part
• Now sort the unsorted part, one item at a time,then add among the sorted part

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Selection Sort

•Keep finding minimum elememt and put in start
•Ultimately, in start we have sorted part in end we have unsorted part
•Finally, sorting completed

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Quick Sort

•Divide and Conquer algo
•Select a 'pivot' element from the array
•Partition other elements in two sub-arrays, on basis of less or greater from pivot

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Merge Sort

•Divide and Conquer algo
•Cut the given array into 2 sub-array, keep cutting, in last compare elements one with another
•Merge the two half arrays

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Time to Connect

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Arpit Somani