
Machine Learning Models

Those projects having a ❤️ on them... come under the Favourite category.

Total Models :- 16


•Create a model to predict whether you have an coronavirus infection or not (or probability of having infection)

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USA_Housing-Linear Regression

•Create a model that allows to put in a few features of a house and returns back an estimate of what the house would sell for.

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Ecommerce Customers-Linear Regression

•Create a model for a company to decide whether to focus their efforts on their mobile app experience or their website

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Advertising-Logistic Regression

•Create a model indicating whether or not a particular internet user clicked on an Advertisement

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Titanic - Logistic Regression

•Create a model to predict the survival or the death of a given passenger

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Classified Data-K Nearest Neighbors

•Create a model that directly predicts a class for a new data point based off of the features for a company

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K Nearest Neighbors Project

•Create a model on artificial data that directly predicts a class for a new data point based off of the features for a company

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Loan data - Decision Trees and Random Forests

•Create a model predict whether or not the borrower paid back their loan in full

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Kyphosis-Decision Trees and Random

•Create a model to predict if the Kyphosis would return after surgery.

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Iris - Support Vector Machines

•Create a model to predict the class(type) of the flowers based on their parameters

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Breast Cancer-Support Vector Machines

•Create a that predicts if the cancer diagnosis is benign or malignant based on several features.

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College Data - K Means Clustering

•Create a model that attempt to use KMeans Clustering to cluster Universities into to two groups, Private and Public

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K Means Clustering Model

•Create a model to understand clustering using make_blob dataset

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Movies - Recommender Systems

•Create a model that tells you what movies/items are most similar to your movie choice.

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Principal Component Analysis

•Create a model to understand Principal Component Analysis

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Portland-Time series prediction

•Create a model for Time Series Analysis and forecasting using ARIMA and SARIMA

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Time to Connect

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Arpit Somani