
Linked List

Total Programs :- 7

Linked List Traversal

•Create a node, with data and next
•Input data in the head part
•Set next to head of another node
•Print the List

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Static Representation of Linked List

•Create a node
•Make function to access List
•Set next to head of another node
•Print the List

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Dynamic Representation of Linked List

•Create a node, with data and next
•Use of pointer is involved
•Set next to head of another node
•Print the List

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Different Operations on a Single linked list

•Create a node
•Insert at beginning
•Insert at after
•Insert at end
•Delete node
•Print List

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Reverse a linked list

•Create a node
•Push items
•Make reverse function
•Print it

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Circular Linked List

•Create a node
•nodes must connect to form a circle
•Push items
•Print it

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Doubly Linked List

•Create a node
•Make three parts of node as data, next, prev
•Push items
•Print it

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Time to Connect

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Arpit Somani