
Total Programs :- 7

Graph Representation Using Adjacency Matrix

•Create an array, size equal to No. of vertices
•Add edge
•Remove edge
•Print the graph

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Graph Representation Using Adjacency List

•Create an dynamic array, size equal to No. of vertices
•Add edge
•Remove edge
•Print the graph

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Breadth First Traversal

•Collections module is used
•Keep record of visited node
•proceeds level by level
•Check is it following BFT

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Depth First Traversal

•Follows first a path form the starting to the ending node, keep doing this
•Keep record of visited node
•Check is it following DFT

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Prim's Algorithm

•A greedy algorithm
•Start from one vertex and keep adding edges
•Until we get minimum spanning tree

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Kruskal's algorithm

•A greedy algorithm
•Start from the edges with the lowest weight and keep adding edges
•Edge create cycle, reject it
•Until we get the goal

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Dijkstra's Algorithm

•To find the shortest path between any two vertices of a graph
•Uses a greedy approach

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Time to Connect

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Arpit Somani